Tuesday, September 30, 2008

troll the internet drive 8 miles in the day spend 20 dollars passing time drink or smoke or both turn on the television three times in 24 hours pick up a book read a page put the book down 2 hours later pick the book up make some phone calls deal with submission together feel entropy in its grandness for exactly 45 seconds get a head rush discuss politics talk about being free pick something up eat a meal from anywhere in 1 hour its all passed to the future of another meal think about crying maybe you'll cry let the world drift away for .5 of a minute hear a fan hear a car hear a voice watch the sun outside kick a rock have someone tell you what to do debate life inside debate buying something the slam of a footstep recall beauty vibrant green a lawnmower wish & want what everyone else wishes & wants escape foolish prediction sit with fear let a wave of joy press on your eyes wind blows all day the moon a moving disc of white purity far enough to be alone solace growing with the amount of tired forming in the muscles of the body a pale face appearing as a vision having a vision and dismissing it losing control over what is lost never knowing the same pain as yesterday new pain all the coming sex Thoughts at every moment and a steady heart beating.

september 19, 2008

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