Wednesday, April 16, 2008


perry and i have the first two episodes of Townie Talk ready.

these are the links to download. enjoy. i ll get around to posting show notes at some later period.

Show notes for podcast 1

we talk about:

the first episodes of real world briefly
the graffiti tag i made on my wall
perry is apparently dyslexic 
when we podcast our discussion becomes reality
i can't do math
planning stuff for jessica in lue of her celebration of getting into the JET program
we didn't go to our classes
the 'hyper-real'
we start talking about the Xiu Xiu show down at the Beauty Bar.
the illusion of art
how perry gets his money
what would people want in a podcast?
tully standup
if andy warhol made a hello kitty painting (i was wrong when i said he died by being shot, he died in his sleep like a decade later, though he was shot and did almost die)
what's a mud pie?
why we like inside jokes
cooking food / heating food
i wish i could make bread
what happens to time
the stupid things of our childhood
what happens with mirrors

Show notes for podcast 2

We talk about:

the different types of crazy
perry's week old limeade
fuck you to food / killing non living things
how we feel about bingo
free drinks at the casino
our thoughts on adding people to the podcast
Perry hates Smart People the movie
what perry does with his day
political story
society encroaching you with bad art
pro intelligence?
the office / lost / memorable tv moment

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