Friday, March 07, 2025

missing bedtime

 we all play pretend

in the lobbies

of fancy hotels,

we act like we know,

or may be right

while being wrong,

we mess up lives

like our own,

we make life in everlasting ways,

we project

we arrive we are,

I am beating now as the

garden blooms,

forever home

all now

A hand can draw a line 

all goes.


Thursday, March 06, 2025

early warning signs

I am mr tech repair

I come on time

Through the air

Delivering your care.

Mr tech repair sees it thru

Gets the job done

Happy cool.

I am mr tech repair

I care i care i care.

Mr tech repair.


Monday, March 03, 2025

how are we connected

 he stared at the eclipse,

future tiny black hole,

with sunglasses on,

but a minor crack

one minor full diameter,

the light of the sun

slipped in between

the fissure of the protective lenses.

looking up


muscle and blood,

a ray of light split

fractaly until

it hit some cell

inside photochemical actions

apostis, mutation, iregulation.

The light of dying death throes from the slow nova shows us what we see. Imagine how a star even lives a mostly mundane routine for its most awesome memory to be momentary. 

he never knew

that in that moment he now was dying.

Friday, February 28, 2025

in growth we go winning

a great unfolding,

a cosmic egg

maybe roots

like how a flower slowly opens



by the road

in dusty sprawl

below an elm

the shadows great

a knight lay loosely

on the ground,

in the sun

beside the road

kind of comfortably haunched;

drinking from 

an ancient cask of rhone,


The story goes

Of Charlamagne,

Who was gifted some

godly wine. From

a hidden valley:

River thru

Glacier pass

Butterflys below

Perfect weather

Vines vast, old,

the dew and light,

the wind and air,

of this place

trapped, within,

the fruit. 

Only once,

was it shared,

in ebony barrels,

hewn from the woods,

set forth from there, for

the new Emperor of the West

all crowned in gold

clad in regal

scepter, sword, and grail.

A happy day 

a bloody peace,

a massive party.

Lost it was,

waylaid withheld,

likely in, some villain's hoard. 

But by great sacrifice,

the knight did win,

a barrel of the stuff,

and torn was he

from that ownership.


glades, a

hidden fortress,

a princess,

a sorceror,

tasks of courage,

& feats, feints, family, honor, fortune,

promised lands.

After all,

he had found some way,

some secret stuff,

dawned guided body

judgement survivor,

a known name.

A story wrought

of atoms old,

of messages

between the stuff of life;

coalesced in instant 

moment memory.

From vessel drought

sipping sighing, realized,

and supped some more.

In his bones.

He whispered much.

An answer there. He knew it.

All that time,

revealed in ancient glory,

god a

stupor, a

suffered wroth,


and relief.

Even greater still

than wan every single pleasure hit.

All that order

lost and found,

his known surroundings

questioned again


Such beautiful stuff

such unworthy being

some redemeptive

arc, noble warrior

honorable soul.

Beyond all duty

beyond the goal

gallant figure

tragedy, comedy

the final little bit

broken mended


all the answers

the moment of truth

only three directions.





Thursday, February 20, 2025

a condensed history

 it was really happy seeing 

them like, so like honestly,

ive seen it

happy living and dying shadows

all around,

and you know?

I have a lot of care.

We all live in a marvelous machine

We all own the air, we chunk rich

Earth owners, all better, 

healthy. Son morning rise

from the slumbery sleepers. 

No gloomy thoughts,

NO boohoos,

a world of ages

and layers of 


Friday, February 14, 2025

it happens

 it happens,

First it happens,

And you

hear it, or see it, you

experience something,

then you do it again,

to make sure;

happens again

all of a sudden the 

rest is up 

to you.

Friday, January 17, 2025

sleeping family

 there is a version

of myself

of us , of me and you,

that waits for times

of dimly lit quiet,

A place somewhere

Versus and them,

Of all the world

Imaginary dinosaurs,

In pittar patter,

& hatched escape plans,

a tight and gentle holding

of accomplishment,

like being warm

and still hours away,

a silence that we create


more than any answer

more than any one thing

between all the conflict

every beautiful thing.