it happens,
First it happens,
And you
hear it, or see it, you
experience something,
then you do it again,
to make sure;
happens again
all of a sudden the
rest is up
to you.
it happens,
First it happens,
And you
hear it, or see it, you
experience something,
then you do it again,
to make sure;
happens again
all of a sudden the
rest is up
to you.
there is a version
of myself
of us , of me and you,
that waits for times
of dimly lit quiet,
A place somewhere
Versus and them,
Of all the world
Imaginary dinosaurs,
In pittar patter,
& hatched escape plans,
a tight and gentle holding
of accomplishment,
like being warm
and still hours away,
a silence that we create
more than any answer
more than any one thing
between all the conflict
every beautiful thing.
my heart aches for you,
so much time,
so hard to see,
all the beauty around you,
it hurts to beat
so far lost in love
i feel you,
i feel you,
i feel you,
so now found
i see you
beating, with every breath.
i could cry a thousand times
not enough
and still not know you
if i had
everything, itd be
in front of you
all of it
the passing time
i know it true
that lying next to you
the single greatest thing.
think of the axe,
As it tears through a log,
Shattering the core
Of hundreds of years
Broken bare splintered
Ready to burn.
Iron steel
Dense matter
Forged in flames
Made from the heart
Of the tree
As it had died
Buried in time
Unearthed to repeat
All this making / unmaking.
What does it mean?
What secrets does the process
What lonely atoms
Lost souls roaming the
Idea deterministic reality machine.
cute cute
so much sweater
cute. That fire fit,
with clawy nails so friggin cute
savage total soul inspiring
mad distracting,
totally explosive
mute and dumb
secret wishes and bathroom prayers
in the final moment of life
& being wrong, w/ the penalty of death.
hot food
side salads
bread baskets;
three sets of eyes through the window
waiting and watching
while the wind blows.
and it doesnt matter,
too tired,
eyes close;
love eternal
love forever
love solutions
loving blooms
beautiful love
love and tragedy
so much love
it doesn't matter
eyes close
, but dreams persist
in endless loving wonder
for love remains
and sends a reverberation
across the expanse
of empty.
take the cruise
along the river chill
so icey bad its good,
swallow the party,
for a smooth wave,
for a good time,
calling like a way back
when falling kills vibes,
just dont fall anymore,
alls well for real.